Last updated
Last updated
The best way to integrate with the Bridge Media Player using a web app is to use the . This is the same library that we use for . The Bridge.js library exposes typesafe objects and methods for interacting with the Bridge REST API. See for detailed information on how to use Bridge.js in your web application.
Endpoint: /bridge_version
Example Payload: none
Example Response:
Endpoint: /enter_orchestration
Example Payload:
Example Response:
Endpoint: /available_output_devices
Example Payload:
Example Response:
Endpoint: /show_window
Example Payload:
Example Response:
Endpoint: /instance_playlist
Example Payload:
Example Response:
Endpoint: /insert_playlist_entry
Example Payload:
Example Response:
Endpoint: /play_playlist
Example Payload:
Example Response:
Example Payload:
Example Response:
Endpoint: /transport_control_seek_to_index
Example Payload:
Example Response:
Endpoint: /delete_playlist
Example Payload:
Example Response:
Bring support for the Looking Glass display to your web app
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