
Manages the overall UI state, including navigation between pages, calibration setup, and display updates.

Fields & Properties

GameObject[] pages

The UI pages in the demo.

GameObject popUpCalibrate

The calibration popup.

GameObject popUpTestImage

The test image popup.

GameObject templateScene

The main scene template.

PageType CurrentPageType

Enum representing the currently active page.

static bool isCalibrationFileExist

Indicates if the calibration file exists.


void SwitchToPage(PageType pageType)

Switches to the specified page.

  • PageType pageType: The page to switch to.

void AutoPageUpdate()

Updates the UI state based on the number of connected displays.

void OnLoadCalibration()

Loads the calibration file if it exists, or navigates to the calibration page if it does not.

void PickCalibrationFile(bool goNextWhenDone)

Allows users to pick a calibration file (iOS only).

  • bool goNextWhenDone: Whether to move to the last page after loading.

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