
Handles switching between lighting and rotation control modalities in the user interface. It enables or disables relevant controls and updates UI elements to reflect the active control.

Fields & Properties

GameObject[] lightingActiveUIElements

UI elements to show or hide when lighting controls are active.

GameObject[] rotationActiveUIElements

UI elements to show or hide when rotation controls are active.

Button lightControlButton

Button to activate lighting controls.

Button rotateControlButton

Button to activate rotation controls.

LookingGlass.Demos.XYSpotlight lightingControls

Reference to the lighting controls.

LookingGlass.Demos.ModelController rotationControls

Reference to the rotation controls.


void SwitchControls(bool isLighting)

Activates the specified control modality and updates UI elements.

isLighting (bool): true to activate lighting controls, false to activate rotation controls.

Last updated

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