๐Ÿ“ก3D Model Importer

(last updated December 2022, v1.2.0)

Please note that this is legacy software and is not being actively maintained.

This app requires HoloPlay Service and is incompatible with Looking Glass Bridge. Download HoloPlay Service for Windows here.

Download the 3D Model Importer here. This tool is Windows only.

3D scanned model above downloaded from Sketchfab, created by omegadarling.

The 3D Model Importer allows you to view 3D models on your Looking Glass. It can load .gltf, .glb, and .obj files. It can also work with Leap Motion. Note it only supports Leap Motion version 5.1 or earlier.

3D Model Importer requires Looking Glass Bridge and is Windows only.

Download the 3D Model Importer

  • Guide - how to load and view a model

  • Reference - application controls and settings for model, lighting, and quality


The 3D Model Importer has a growing list of features, including:

  • Support for .obj, .gltf, and .glb file formats

  • Intuitive camera controls (orbit, translate, zoom)

  • Animation support for gltf / glb

  • Modifiable lighting and textures

  • 3D cursor for precise pointing

  • Slideshow presentation for multiple models

Last updated

Change request #502: August 18 Changes