Change Log

Looking Glass Unity Plugin v3.0.5


  • Support for Looking Glass Go devices

  • Support for Looking Glass 16โ€ Spatial Displays

  • Support for Looking Glass 32โ€ Spatial Displays

  • Post-processing support in URP

  • Major API refactor, including changes to class names and calibration loading logic - may cause compiler errors when migrating existing projects!

  • Bug fixes

    • 3D cursor prefab no longer throws an error on initial import

    • Quilt capture time and frame interval bug fix

    • Fixed quilt capture pausing bug that would record no frames

    • Fixed view interpolation rendering black views

Looking Glass Unity Plugin v2.0.8


  • URP support (beta)

    • Post-processing and 3D cursor are not yet supported

  • Apple Silicon support

  • Improved Mac build handling

    • Mac builds now automatically appear on the Looking Glass without additional configuration

  • Depthiness slider

    • A new tool to adjust how "depthy" your hologram is without affecting the scene's framing

  • Transform mode

    • There are now two different modes to control the visualization of the hologram camera, "Volume" and "Camera"

  • Hologram emulator

    • Visualize what the hologram will look like without a display connected with this Blocks-style renderer

  • Quilt Capture script

    • Capture screenshots and videos from within the editor

  • Direct to Blocks upload

    • Upload captured screenshots to Blocks from the Unity editor

  • Render stacking

    • Layer 2D renders, quilt renders, and hologram camera renders together to create complex visualizations in the display

  • Force display index toggle

    • Turns off our automatic windowing system to help raycast logic work better for dual monitor setups

  • Major API refactor, including changes to class names and calibration loading logic - may cause compiler errors when migrating existing projects!

HoloPlay Unity Plugin v1.5.0


  • Improvements to Holoplay Recorder!

    • You can now import 3D video and record it with the Holoplay Camera without frame loss.

    • Referencing a clip in the "Video Clip" section of the Holoplay Recorder script will enable this functionality.

  • Preview Window Fixes!

    • We fixed the issue with the preview window not showing up correctly on some monitor configurations. Multiple monitor set ups rejoice!

    • We received complaints about artifacts appearing on less than ideal set ups. This update includes fixes to help remedy them.

  • Device Emulation Fixes!

    • We fixed an issue where device emulation was not updating correctly in some instances.

  • API Changes!

    • We cleaned up the API fields and methods to make them more descriptive and improve readability. Below is a list of the fields updated. You can find the updated fields on Holoplay.cs.

The following fields have been updated:

Holoplay.targetDisplay -> Holoplay.TargetDisplay
Holoplay.quiltSettings -> Holoplay.QuiltSettings
Holoplay.overrideQuilt -> Holoplay.OverrideQuilt
Holoplay.camDist -> Holoplay.CameraDistance
Holoplay.lightfieldMat -> Holoplay.LightfieldMaterial
Holoplay.clearFlags -> Holoplay.CameraData.ClearFlags
Holoplay.background -> Holoplay.CameraData.BackgroundColor
Holoplay.cullingMask -> Holoplay.CameraData.CullingMask
Holoplay.fov -> Holoplay.CameraData.FieldOfView
Holoplay.depth -> Holoplay.CameraData.Depth
Holoplay.renderingPath -> Holoplay.CameraData.RenderingPath
Holoplay.occlusionCulling -> Holoplay.CameraData.UseOcclusionCulling
Holoplay.allowHDR -> Holoplay.CameraData.AllowHDR
Holoplay.allowMSAA -> Holoplay.CameraData.AllowMSAA
Holoplay.allowDynamicResolution -> Holoplay.CameraData.AllowDynamicResolution
Holoplay.frustumColor -> Holoplay.Gizmos.FrustumColor
Holoplay.middlePlaneColor -> Holoplay.Gizmos.MiddlePlaneColor
Holoplay.handleColor -> Holoplay.Gizmos.HandleColor
Holoplay.drawHandles -> Holoplay.Gizmos.DrawHandles
Holoplay.size -> Holoplay.AdvancedCameraData.Size
Holoplay.nearClipFactor -> Holoplay.AdvancedCameraData.NearClipFactor
Holoplay.farClipFactor -> Holoplay.AdvancedCameraData.FarClipFactor
Holoplay.scaleFollowsSize -> Holoplay.AdvancedCameraData.ScaleFollowsSize
Holoplay.viewconeModifier -> Holoplay.AdvancedCameraData.ViewconeModifier
Holoplay.centerOffset -> Holoplay.AdvancedCameraData.CenterOffset
Holoplay.horizontalFrustumOffset -> Holoplay.AdvancedCameraData.HorizontalFrustumOffset
Holoplay.verticalFrustumOffset -> Holoplay.AdvancedCameraData.VerticalFrustumOffset
Holoplay.useFrustumTarget -> Holoplay.AdvancedCameraData.UseFrustumTarget
Holoplay.frustumTarget -> Holoplay.AdvancedCameraData.FrustumTarget
Holoplay.viewInterpolation -> Holoplay.Optimization.viewInterpolation
Holoplay.reduceFlicker -> Holoplay.Optimization.ReduceFlicker
Holoplay.fillGaps -> Holoplay.Optimization.FillGaps
Holoplay.blendViews -> Holoplay.Optimization.BlendViews
Holoplay.onHoloplayReady -> Holoplay.Events.OnHoloplayReady
Holoplay.onViewRender -> Holoplay.Events.OnViewRender
Holoplay.showAllObjects -> Holoplay.Debugging.ShowAllObjects
Holoplay.preview2d -> Holoplay.Preview2D
Holoplay.quiltPreset -> Holoplay.QuiltPreset
Holoplay.GetCamDistance() -> Holoplay.GetCameraDistance()
Holoplay.screenshot2DKey -> Holoplay.Screenshot2DKey
Holoplay.screenshotQuiltKey -> Holoplay.ScreenshotQuiltKey
Holoplay.quiltRT -> Holoplay.QuiltTexture

HoloPlay Unity Plugin v1.5.0


โ—= Needs to be re-confirmed

  • (Windows ONLY) Added experimental support for screen DPI scaling for the editor preview window (for basic horizontal display arrangements).

  • The Holoplay's single-view and final screen cameras now have their stereoTargetEye set to StereoTargetEyeMask.None for better XR support.

  • Improved support for multiple Holoplay captures with the following new fields:

    • Holoplay.targetLKGName

    • Holoplay.targetLKGIndex

    • These fields allow you to directly control which LKG device connected to your computer to render to per-Holoplay object.

  • Changed HoloPlay Service errors to log as warnings in the Unity console instead of info lines.


  • Removed Multiplexing support due to its complexity.

    • If you need to use Multiplexing features, please contact us.


  • Fixed the HoloPlay preview window to work on at least the following versions:

    • (Windows) Unity 2018.4 to 2021.2

    • (MacOS) Unity 2018.4 to 2020.3

    • (Linux) Unity 2019.4 to 2020.3

  • Fixed the editor preview window occasionally bleeding over monitors by about 8 pixels.

  • Fixed various issues with the Holoplay inspector not properly saving.

  • Encapsulated many previously-public fields, and deprecated many C# LookingGlass API properties that were named with camelCase conventions, and created new properties with PascalCase naming to adhere to general C# naming conventions and best-practices.

HoloPlay Unity Plugin v1.4.3


  • Improved robustness of HoloPlay window management.

  • Added AssemblyDefinitions for the following:

    • LookingGlass

    • LookingGlass.Editor

    • Unity.Postprocessing.Runtime

    • Unity.Postprocessing.Editor

Your project may fail to compile in Unity temporarily if you are updating from a prior version to v1.4.3.

If you are using AssemblyDefinitions for your code, ๐Ÿ”จ Select your project's AssemblyDefinition asset(s), and make sure to reference the LookingGlass and/or LookingGlass.Editor assemblies, and hit "Apply" in the inspector.

If you are still receiving errors stating "The type or namespace name ... could not be found", It may be because we had some scripts in the global namespace that were moved into LookingGlass and LookingGlass.Editor.

๐Ÿ”จ To fix this, add using LookingGlass; or using LookingGlass.Editor; at the top of your C# scripts where needed.

Last updated

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#502: August 18 Changes

Change request updated